The Artsy Art Page

Hey guys! Cheetah and Puppy here! This is our first ever page! So, on The Artsy Art Page, we showcase art from us and Jammers like you! So, if you have art, make sure to send it in (If you want to, you don't need to!) via @puppyAJ We (Possibly I, Cheetah) might do Fan-Art, but I'm not sure. So, time for art!

First piece of art is by Cheetah87516, aka me.
So that is a skunk/cat/I don't know/just a random but nice doodle. It is my first time using the style of the eyes and the tuft of fur coming down from the head.
Second drawing also by Cheetah87516 (Me!). That is a drawing of my backup/storage account Kitty87516. Also drawn by Cheetah (Me :D) Like my little logo thing? I add as much detail as I can. 
Third drawing also drawn by me, Cheetah87516. It is a cat version of the character Rainbow Dash from MLP.
The fourth drawing is also drawn by me, Cheetah87516 (He-He-He :D)! Isn't it cute? I love themed backgrounds and stuff! I also like that eye style and the cuteness of the Bunny Plushie and the detail of the Summer Carnival Tickets and stuff :)
That is a hamster (As suspected by everyone?) If you look closely you can see purple dots on the skirt. I love grey or lightly colored backgrounds. It makes the pictures pop. Btw this is drawn by me, Cheetah87516.
~By Cheetah87516~
Step One:
Draw a circle to the far left of the page. Using a jar or something round helps with perfect circles.
I put a grey background so it's easier to see for you viewers. You can draw use any color paper.
Step Two:
(This is a sitting cat BTW) Trace down the right side of the head a little. After going down the head a little go out onto the paper. Curve around and go into a curl for the back leg. Attach the other side by drawing a line from the head to the middle part of the curl. Erase the line separating the head and the body. It should look like nothing so far, but keep at it! Don't be afraid to erase anything you don't like.
 Step Three:
Add the paws. Use tiny circles that don't connect, more than a semicircle. Don't erase the line for the back paw, but erase the line for the front paws.  Be sure to add a front paw on the other side slightly peeking out of the front paw. Don't erase the front paw on the other side.

Step Four:
Draw a fairly long tail. It should be peeking out of the page if you don't have enough room, like I did. Add a tuft fur at the end of the tail, you are gonna make it a different color. Erase the part of the tail that attaches the tail to the body.
  Step Five:                                                                                                                                                
Now its time to add ears and details. First, the ears. Draw a triangle at the head. Erase the line. Draw a smaller triangle inside the triangle you just made for the inside of the ear. Do not erase that line. (Optional: Draw thin lines coming from the inside of the ear out to the bigger triangle a bit) Then, draw any style eyes you like. And color it any color you like. Add a nose at the left end of the head. Add whiskers coming out at the end of the nose. Add a mouth. (Optional: Add a tounge) Now, add the stomach. Make a little line then bring it down until it hits the curl of the back leg. Close the line of the front paw.
   Step Six:
To make the line that line of the stomach useful, you can make it into a collar if you want. Now, it's time to color! I'm making my cat picture have a pastel-y theme, so I'm using light and bright colors. First, I'm gonna color the nose and ear inside. So I'm going to use a light pink. Then, I'm going to color the body a light orange. Then I'm gonna color the tail tuft fur and the stomach a tan color. Now I'm going to color the charm on the collar a light yellow/creme. Then the collar color a light green.
Step Seven:
Time to draw the background! I'm doing a light green and light blue scenery then I'm putting dots for flowers when I'm done. Plus I will be making airbrush clouds (I'm using Peck's Art Studio in Coral Canyons).
That's my final picture! I would LOVE to see your cats! (If you want to) You can send your picture in via @puppyAJ

That is a drawing by Cheetah87516. Don't mind the photo or the color swatches/hues and the uncolored music note. I was in a hurry and didn't get to that because I needed to snap a glitch. The "C" is a signature saying it's by me, Cheetah87516. This was made by Microsoft Paint.
This next drawing is by Cheetah87516. It is Alena7474, a buddy of mine and a commentor. The yellow is a light glow while the grey airbrush makes it pop. I hope you like it, Alena :)! This was made in the Coral Canyons Art Studio in Animal Jam.
 This is a picture of Oliviagasnow900 for her art contest. I used Microsoft Paint. I hope you like it, Olivia! :) It is drawn by Cheetah87516
This is a drawing of Nerdy Roo, Cheetah's kangaroo. Sorry for it being tiny! Please click on it for it to be bigger ;)
 BTW I changed my style :) -Cheetah
This is a picture of Puppy. It is one of her arctic wolves, Fuzzy Jellylily. If you see on the bottom, it says, From CC ;) CC stands for Cosmic Cheetah, which is my name on Minecraft Pocket Edition, CosmicCheetah, and my art nickname (I don't have DeviantART soooo....) Cheetah87516 drew it.
I can't make it to the bottom, sorry! So, this is a Beta Bunny and is dedicated for what is written on it. Drawn by Cheetah87516~ On 8/9/15~
This is a drawing of me and Bluelove05. I'm Hazelkit and Bluelove05 is Dewkit. I have changed my style, as seen in Nerdy Roo (Two drawings up). Made by Cheetah87516.


  1. i love the picture of my fox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ty! i worked hard on it ;) and i like that you love it!
