Author Profile Page

Hello viewers of The Artsy Jammers! This page is about the author's profiles and stuff about us.


Introduction:  Hey guys! I'm Cheetah, an author of The Artsy Jammers! I love to roleplay and hang with my buds! I'm the main poster of The Artsy Jammers, I have alot of good ideas for The Artsy Jammers, too! I hope you like our site! ~Cheetah ^-^

Likes: Cheetahs, Animal Jam, Drawing, Roleplaying, Hanging With Buds, Sitting On The Bridge At Jamaa Township, Cinnamon Rolls
Dislikes: Scammers, Hackers, Haters, Meanies, Broccoli, Creepypasta, FNAF, Getting Flash Traded
Favorite Buddies/Jammers in Animal Jam:
Words I Made Up:
- Grrrrahhhh (Mix of Grrrr and Wahhhh)
- Cheetahsome/Puppysome (Mix of Cheetah and Awesome or Puppy and Awesome)
Collections I have/making on Animal Jam:
~Elf Tail Collection (I'm accepting donations! Check my player card to see which ones I have)
~Plushie Collection (Cheetahplushie)
Where you can find me:
Webkinz: CosmicCheetah709
Animal Jam:  Cheetah87516, Kitty87516, Cheetahplushie
DeviantART: CosmicCheetahART (The link will take you to my profile page)
Google+: CosmicCheetah AJ (Same with DeviantART)
TAJ Signature:



  1. hey guys i forgot something, puppy will put her profile up later, and please give me credit for "grrrrahhhh", "cheetahsome", "puppysome", and the Elf Tail Armor collection, ty!~

    1. Ok, btw I'm changing usernames soon. My new user might be foxtrot7474 or foxlover7474 Yw for the info!!! ;D

      ^_^ ~ Alena7474

    2. Okay, Alena. Will me, Olivia, and Galaxy still be able to nickname you Alena?

  2. Yes, you can call me fox or Alena, idc
