Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hey! Plus little typing tutorial AND OMG LEAKED UPDATE PICTURES

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in so long, we were busy. And... on a little side note... our art contest is... closed. Nobody entered, so, we closed it. *cri* Now, onto happier things. LEAKED UPDATE! THIS HAS TO BE THE NEWEST UPDATE, ON AUGUST 27TH 2015! <3333333333333333333333 So, PICTURE TIME!
Sorry this is huge, idk what happened to it. And credit to Animal Jam Spirit Blog.
So, this is a NEW ADVENTURE starring GRAHAM! Peck and Sir Gilbert haven't been in one yet, but Graham has starred on a little side character in some adventures, i.e. The Search For Greely. Next picture after the jump break.

Same thing as above caption, except for credit. Credit to TheOneAndOnlySomething's Youtube video, Unreleased Party, Play Wild, and More!
This is returning Snow Leopards and SCHOOL PARTY! Credit to Animal Jam Spirit.
New achievements! Or is it that your achievements can now be shown in your Change Your Look pull-up, too? Idk.
Awe. New lynxes! SOOOO ADORABLE <3333333 So, that's it for leaked pictures! *Guy from Spongebob: APPROXIMENTLY 3 HOURS LATER. * OMG I GOT AN ANIMAL JAM RETAIL GIFT CARD FROM TARGET AND I GOT A PET FERRET :O HER NAME IS FIRECHIP AND SHE IS SO ADORBS Now back to the post, heh heh. Sorry for no new items today, this post shouldn't get longer with new items. So, for the typing tutorial, I'm gonna teach you how to type a sword! ~STEP ONE: TYPE IN A DASH.  -  ~STEP TWO: TYPE IN A LEFT-FACING PARENTHASE. -) ~STEP THREE: TYPE IN AS MANY EQUAL SIGNS EQUAL SIGNS AS YOU LIKE. THIS VARIES ON HOW LONG YOU WANT YOUR SWORD. -)===== STEP FOUR: TYPE IN A RIGHT-FACING-POINT CHOMPER THINGY. -)=====> And there you have it! A nice little sword that you can type in! You can even do it backwards! <=====(- Tada! Now, this post is coming to an end. Cya! Bye!

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