Our Role-Plays:
1. Fire-And-Nature Role-Play
We have our foxes and arctic wolves and they have same color and pattern etc. (I.E. my fox and my arctic wolf are the same) Oh yeah, sorry it's a little small... it's my first photo... I cropped it BTW I'm the one using the ;) emote, and Puppy's using the :P emote :D That's all the photos I'm gonna do... except for the glitch one
2. Fox Role-play
3. Bunny Role-play
4. Mansion/Beach Mansion Role-play
5. Deer Role-play (Old times, old times...)
6. Canyon Clan Role-play (I don't do it a lot... Jammers don't respect a lot of times ): )
7. Sorta-Family Role-play (We do it sometimes)
8. Wolf Pack (With Alena7474; aka Alena)
9. Mira University (A college called Mira University that I have)
10. Snow Leopard Elements (I'm ice, Puppy is Weather/Nature)
I don't care if I missed any (Sorry!) Now the other stuff! GLITCH TIME!!!
So, I'm at Mt. Shiveer (With Puppy!) Sorry, I'm saying "Cool Glitch!" I type fast sometimes :) So, look closely. See that my *And some of Puppy's* name-tags go UNDER the rocks? Mine says Mythical Arctic-Wolf and Puppy's says Gorgeous Glam-Flower BTW, I think I'm prone to short posts lol Anyways, that's all for now!
~The One And Only, Cheetah!~ ^_^
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