Saturday, July 4, 2015

Wild Wednesdays and Beta Mondays AND Recap on Monthly Member Gifts

Heyo! It's Cheetah here! Today I'm telling you about the NEW updates The Artsy Jammers has! They are...
WILD Wednesdays and... BETA Mondays! We (Me or Puppy) will post Wild Wednesdays and Beta Mondays every Wednesday or Monday! Here are what they are:
-Wild Wednesdays-
We tell facts about a chosen animal every Wednesday after the regular post
A different animal will be showcased every Wednesday
-Beta Mondays-
We tell facts about real betas (Credit to Animal Jam Wiki for the photos and descriptions)
And we show pictures of the betas (REAL den and clothing betas) here are examples of NON-betas:
#1: Founders' Hats
#2: Teacups
#3: Headdresses
#4: Spiked Collars/Wristbands (Aka "Spikes" or "Wrists)

Who wants a recap on all the Member Monthly Gifts!?!?!?!? If you do, here you go!

June 2011-Dragon Glove, Mummy Glove, Legendary Glove, Lava Glove
July 2011- Spike (Aka Spiked Collars/Wrists)
August 2011-The Claw (Rare Type)
September 2011-Rainbow/Rain/Snow/Lightning Cloud
October 2011-Caged/Trapped Phantom
November 2011-Bubbletron 5000
December 2011-Gingerbread House Den
January 2012-New Year's Party Hat (Aka "Party Hat")
February 2012-Giant Lion Plushie (Rare Type)
March 2012-Elf Tail Armor
April 2012-Hot Cocoa Machine
May 2012-Phantom Invasion
June 2012-Golden Dragon/Mummy/Legendary/Lava Glove
July 2012-Nature Archway
August 2012-Golden Phantom
September 2012-Pet Monkey
October 2012-Pet Tarantula
November 2012-Pet Fox
December 2012-Gingerbread Treehouse
January 2013-Pet Owl
February 2013-Pet Tiger
March 2013-Pet Arctic Wolf
April 2013-Spirit Armor And Spirit Helmet
May 2013-Spirit Glove
The Monthly Member Gifts ended sometime in June of 2013 because the Diamond Shop and Diamonds were introduced to Jamaa, and now, Members get a Diamond every Tuesday (in the eastern part of the US, Idk what day the Western US and Australia get their Member Diamonds)
Anyways, sorry for the long post *Again* I sometimes get carried away...


  1. Actually I thought no you get a diamond on the day you join ex. I became a member on Friday and I only get diamonds on Friday

    1. Monthly Member Gifts were before the Diamond Shop came out
