Friday, July 24, 2015

Sorry, Sad Thing For Me and Puppy, And More!

Hiya peeps! Cheetah here! SO sorry for no posts in the following days... And for slightly no pictures. The two authors are busy (Sorry nobody can be an author, me and Puppy like our author situation how it is). So, new updates! On the front cover is a Bounce House Den in the Diamond Shop for 5 diamonds! I got it and I made it into "Dream Garden"! Ask me in the comments politely if you want to visit my den. Jamaalidays in July! Make sure to get to the Jamaaliday Jam this weekend (July 24-26th 2015)! You can relive so many Christmas/Jamaaliday/Whatever you like to call it memories! You only have a few more weeks to play Battle For The Beacon! New items in the Summer Carnival! New items coming soon! Hyenas have left Jamaa! And the same old, same old pet ferret ad. That's all for the updates! So, new items! The returning Moon Balloon. The sad thing is coming up after the glitches. These glitches are from me, Cheetah87516.
  So, I have an Epic Star Hat and a Rare Arctic Hood on at the same time! Me and puppy were doing a glitch and I screenshotted the 2 things on at once glitch. More of the same glitch at the same time!

Oh yeah, sorry for long post. Now I have on an Arctic Hood and a Epic Star Hat on at the same time!
Now I have a Jingle Bell Necklace and a Beard on at the same time!
Now I have on an Arm Brace and a Flower Bracelet on at the same time! So, that's all for glitches. Now for the sad part... I'm so sad about it... You guys shouldn't be worried... We're not going anywhere :)
So, I have a clan called The Canyon Clan. It's a made-up clan, and my clan, so nobody can copy whatsoever. If you notice ANY copies of The Canyon Clan, that's not my den, please note me of the copier. So, onto my topic. People have been saying my clan is lame or boring. It really upsets me because me and Puppy worked hard on the den. I have abandoned doing The Canyon Clan because of that reason. Donations are accepted, but not needed. I am so sad about it. I have not done it without everybody leaving. It makes me so sad, I want to attempt it again, but I know what will happen.
So, sorry for long post. Here's a quick (And late!) Wild Wednesday. All about... hmm... llamas! Llamas have been domesticated for thousands of years. They are in the camelidae family! Llamas graze on grass and other plants. So, that's all for Wild Wednesday! Watch out for a new page! That's all for today! Bye guys!

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